The Infinity Project Evolution Free Workshop

The 3-Step System To Create Up To $100/Day "Niche Impulse Pages" Promoting Astonishingly Simple Products Online That Aren't Even Yours...

In this free presentation you'll learn...

And how to take any product, business, website or content and advertise it across major news sites, high traffic blogs, podcast directories, video sites and more, in multiple formats, all automatically!

How to build your first up to $100/day "Impulse-Page" in 24 hours or less (in an area that personally interests you).

How our guests have *hand-selected* the most profitable ClickBank products FOR YOU (to take ALL the guesswork out of the process).

A secret formula our guests used to make up to $2 million dollars on ClickBank in as little as a single day - and how you can implement this formula into the CORE 3-step system (even if you have no experience).

How to download a series of "execution plans" that'll allow you COPY their actions (so you can get started as soon as possible).

Why this process will allow you to simultaneously create a REAL online asset that could be *flipped* for profit.

If you are locked down at home, looking for a way to generate additional income, this is a perfect way to do it, as it is 100% digital.

The TWO secret "Accelerator Steps" that have allowed people to go from up to $100/day to up to $500/day to up to $1000/day and beyond... (you’ll be shown EXACTLY what to do).

Register Now So You Don't Miss Out!


Aidan Booth and Steven Clayton

Aidan partnered with Steve in October 2013. Steve originates from a business background, he was formerly the CFO of a Fortune 500 business and had several years of business experience before beginning his own online company. Aidan started online "almost by mistake." He set up simple affiliate sites and sent paid traffic to them. One thing led to another, and eventually he grew to having a mixture of eCommerce sites and affiliate sites that leveraged Google traffic (via top rankings) and a mixture of different paid traffic sources. Together, Steve and Aidan developed a range of different online businesses including: Niche Websites & eCommerce Stores, Online Marketing Training & Consulting Services, Small Business Marketing, Physical Product Brands, Software as a Service, Hosting & Domain Registration. They currently hold the record for #1 most sales on a single day on ClickBank.